Improving Education Participation
This handbook was developed to support countries and stakeholders currently developing policies, strategies and initiatives at national, district, community and school levels to prevent and respond to the issue of out-of-school children and dropout. UNICEF believes that each and every child should enrol timely, learn at school and stay in school until completion of at least compulsory education. To support this ambitious agenda, UNICEF has engaged at local, national, regional and international levels to promote the inclusion, retention and success of all children in education from preschool to secondary education. In Europe and Central Asia, UNICEF launched the Out-of-School Children and Adolescents Initiative in 2011 to actively support countries addressing issues pertaining to non-enrolment, non-attendance and dropout in preschool, primary, and lower- and upper-secondary education. This document stems from work and initiatives done in the region with national and local governments, NGOs, communities and schools in order for no children to be left out of education.
See the full report