All reports and publications
Analysis, evidence and policies to support all out-of-school children
Data is the cornerstone of the Out-of-School Children Initiative (OOSCI). It is the basis on which the initiative is able to make recommendations on policy and practices that will allow more children to attend school.
The Initiative has produced a number of resources with detailed information outlining the educational situation both regionally and in a country-specific context.

Curriculum, Accreditation and Certification for Syrian children
Curriculum, Accreditation and Certification for Syrian children
This study describes the multi-layered barriers that Syrian children and families encounter in accessing education in Syria or neighbouring countries. Differences in the medium of instruction, lack of learning space, financial constraints, opportunity costs, the need for psychosocial support and teacher training for responding to the needs of displaced and vulnerable children and discouraging policies and practices at the central and school levels represent only some of the challenges that deter refugee children from accessing school.

Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All
Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All
Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All, a report produced by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and UNICEF, could not be more timely. As the international community renews its commitment to advance every child’s right to education, it explores why global progress has stalled since the early 2000s, when millions of additional children poured into the world’s classrooms, and provides the data and analysis needed to move forward and reach every child excluded from education. With its rich combination of data and analysis, this report provides a nuanced assessment of why some children never make it into the classroom at all, why some children start going to school far later than others, and why some children are more likely than their peers to drop out before they complete their schooling. It reminds us—if any reminder were needed—of the critical need for good data to inform the educational policies that can reduce the barriers that continue to stand between children and their fundamental right to an education.

Iraq Fact Sheet 2014
Iraq Fact Sheet 2014
This fact sheet gives detailed statistics and data on the situation of out-of-school children in Iraq between the years 2000 and 2014. It provides statistical information and graphs, highlighting the following areas; Numbers and percentages of out-of-school children The Five Dimensions of Exclusion Classification of the out-of-school population Schooling pathways of school aged children Out-of-school children by background characteristics Cumulative out-of-school risk related to combined characteristics Out-of-school children by location Barriers and policies/strategies

Disabilities and Out-of-School Children
Disabilities and Out-of-School Children
Due to demographic, health and environmental factors, the number of children affected disability appears to be on the increase, particularly in the most poor people of the world. This high concentration of children with disabilities in countries like those in the region of West and Central Africa as well as their links with education is thus a problem that does not should not be ignored and which should significantly influence public education policies.

Child Labour and Out-of-School Children
Child Labour and Out-of-School Children
Based on an analysis of the latest household surveys conducted in countries in the region, the present study aims to conduct a detailed analysis of the situation in terms of educational exclusion, child labour and the relationship between the two. This will serve as a foundation for regional recommendations on how to reduce both educational exclusion and child labour.

School Participation in Upper Secondary Education
School Participation in Upper Secondary Education
The findings of the study are intended to inform education policies and strategies and on-going reforms that aim to accelerate progress toward achieving inclusive, high quality education for all in Romania. Specifically, the findings derived from the study are to be used in strategizing, designing and implementing policy and programmatic interventions to increase access to education for out-of-school children and those at risk of dropping out.

School Participation in Upper Secondary School
School Participation in Upper Secondary School
This study continues and complements a recent study conducted by UNICEF and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), together with the Ministry of National Education – Directorate for Pre-university Education and Lifelong Learning, the National Institute of Statistics and the National Authority for Protection of Child Rights and Adoption, as part of the UNICEF and UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) global initiative on out of school children (OOSC). While the 2012 study focused on the participation in education of primary and lower secondary age children (7-14 years old), the current study reviews the situation of children of upper secondary age (15-18 years old), in order to have a more complete picture of this phenomenon, covering the entire primary and secondary education levels. On the basis of relevant statistical data collected yearly by the National Institute of Statistics, the current research aims to provide a clear picture of the status quo on education participation of children and youth in this age group and a better understanding of the situation of out of school children. As a result, the study assessed the extent of the out of school phenomenon in the case of upper secondary age children and youth, exploring their characteristics, and identifying barriers and challenges to school participation in upper secondary education. Hence, starting from the current research report data, we will be able to better detail the profile of children of upper secondary age who are out of school or at high risk of being out of school. This allows us to move forward in the complex process of identifying and eliminating the multiple forms of exclusion these children are faced with, through more effective and targeted education policies and interventions.

Yemen Country Report on Out-of-School Children
Yemen Country Report on Out-of-School Children
In line with national strategies and priorities, this study engages recent national and survey data to identify the profile of out-of-school girls and boys in Yemen, the bottlenecks they encounter in accessing education, and intersecting challenges that prevent them from enrolling and completing basic education. Following this analysis of the situation of out-of-school children in Yemen, the international and Yemeni experts offer a set of policy recommendations to improve enrolment and retention rates across the country.

Tunisia Country Report on Out-of-School Children
Tunisia Country Report on Out-of-School Children
This study is investigating out-of-school children in order to help achieve the goal of improved education. It aims to determine the situation of children who are out of school or who risk becoming so. It also seeks to identify the socio-political and cultural factors that restrict access to education and seeks to propose a number of courses of action.

Sudan Country Report on Out-of-School Children
Sudan Country Report on Out-of-School Children
This out-of-school children study provides excellent evidence for policy reforms and the designing of targeted interventions that will tackle different bottlenecks and address the causes that hinder children from enjoying basic education. It again outlines the need for an integrated approach of social, economic and educational activities involving a number of institutions, agencies and community-based organisations.

Morocco Country Report on Out-of-School Children
Morocco Country Report on Out-of-School Children
This report analyses the factors that have an effect on school exclusion and determines which of these form the largest barriers to education. It also distinguishes factors that are linked to educational demand, along with economic and social barriers linked to educational provision.

Jordan Country Report on Out-of-School Children
Jordan Country Report on Out-of-School Children
This study examines the detailed profiles of out-of-school children in Jordan in order to highlight the major barriers to school access and participation; analyse existing and emerging education policies and strategies to tackle key bottlenecks; and provide recommendations for improvement at various levels (policy, planning and programming). The goal is to introduce a more systematic approach to address the issue of out-of-school children and to guide concrete education sector reforms towards a more equitable coverage of basic education in Jordan.