Children at the playground of their school in Niamey, the capital of Niger

About the initiative

Children who miss out on school are among the most vulnerable and hard to reach in the world. They come from the poorest households and often have to work to help support their families. Some face discrimination as ethnic minorities. Others live with disabilities. Often they are girls.

Half of the children who do not attend school live in countries plagued by violence and war.

The Global Out-of-School Children Initiative (OOSCI) works to significantly and sustainably to reduce the number of children who are out of school around the world.

Explore the OOSCI Operational Manual

OOSCI Operational Manual: Introduction

Background and purpose of the of the Global Out-of-School Children Initiative’s Operational Manual

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OOSCI Operational Manual: Data sources, profiles of children

Process of assessing data sources, calculating indicators and analysing disaggregated data to produce the main profiles of out-of-school children

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OOSCI Operational Manual: Barriers to education

Pinpointing the factors that exclude children from education to make recommendations for eliminating or reducing these barriers

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OOSCI Operational Manual: Policy & strategy recommendations

Translating the findings of previous analysis into effective action

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Research and reports

Global publications and papers

Reports and analysis on how the Initiative is reaching some of the world’s most marginalized children

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Regional reports

Analysis of the situation of out-of-school children by region

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Country studies

These reports offer analytics and insights and contextualized policy recommendations

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Data is the cornerstone of the initiative and the basis for our recommendations on policy and practices that will allow more children to attend school

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