Monitoring Education Participation

Framework for monitoring children and adolescents who are out of school or at risk of dropping out


An estimated 61 million children of primary-school age, 60 million young adolescents of lower-secondary school age and 142 million of upper secondary age are out of school, based on the latest figures as of 2016. The children who are not enrolled in school are often those from the most socially marginalized communities, including children with disabilities, children from ethnic-minority communities, children excluded because of gender barriers and children living in extreme poverty. All of these children have the right to education and are currently being deprived of that right. Moreover, education – including high-quality pre-school – benefits not just the individuals themselves, but also society, such as in terms of lower unemployment, reduced criminality, more social cohesion, higher tax revenues, and lower public health and welfare expenditures.

Cover image for the monitoring education participation 2017 report
UNESCO Institute for Statistics / UNICEF
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