Page Partner resources Relevant information and guidance from our partners Partner site International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Detailed guidance about how to classify national education programmes, cycles and levels according to the international classification (UNESCO) Visit the site Partner site Leave no child behind Global report on boys’ disengagement from education (UNESCO) Visit the site Partner site Official List of SDG 4 Indicators Relevant education targets and indicators, including for out-of-school children and learning (UNESCO) Visit the site Partner site Inclusive early childhood care and education From commitment to action (UNESCO) Visit the site Partner site Mapping Social Protection Intervention Pathways to Address.. Useful visualizations of different categories of barriers to education faced by girls, with tailored policy recommendations for each barrier (UNICEF) Visit the site Partner site Remote learning and digital connectivity Digital connectivity plays a vital role in our everyday lives and has fundamentally changed the way people exchange and acquire information (UNICEF) Visit the site Partner site Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines Reference guidelines for the analysis of topics of potential secondary interest to out-of-school children studies (UNESCO/IIEP, UNICEF, World Bank, and GPE) Visit the site Document COVID-19 highlights an opportunity for out-of-school children The response of education during the pandemic has revealed the possibilities to reduce the number of out-of-school children (UNICEF) Get the document Partner site UNICEF Procedure on Ethical Standards in Research... Important considerations for conducting qualitative analysis, KII, FGDs, surveys, etc., particularly where children are involved Visit the site Partner site Social and Behaviour Change Guidance SBC aims to understand and help address the cognitive, social, and structural drivers of development (UNICEF) Visit the site Partner site Tip Sheets for Adults, Adolescents and Youth... Tip sheets to support the safe and meaningful participation of adolescents and youth in different settings (UNICEF) Visit the site Partner site MICS - EAGLE Factsheets and Reports Country factsheets include out-of-school children profiling, disaggregation and headcounts (UNICEF) Visit the site Partner site Operational Guide to Using EMIS to Monitor SDG 4 Guidance on how to implement data collection from the viewpoint of existing global commitments related to SDG4 (UNESCO) Visit the site Partner site Towards inclusion in education: status, trends & challenges The UNESCO Salamanca statement 25 years on (UNESCO) Visit the site Partner site Response Analysis Tool Effective decision making on the use of cash and voucher assistance for education outcomes in emergencies (UNICEF) Visit the site Partner site Monitoring Distance Learning During School Closures Guidance and survey question bank (UNICEF) Visit the site Load more items