Understanding the Processes of Educational Exclusion within 15 to 20 Year Old Population
A study of the educational exclusion of adolescents and young people between the ages from 15 to 20 in the Latin America and the Caribbean region
This document aims to study the educational exclusion of adolescents and young people between the ages from 15 to 20 in the Latin America and the Caribbean region; to know and understand these processes in order to back up the design and implementation of important public policies for the attainment of a full inclusion.
In the concerned segment of the population, being out-of-school involves various and heterogeneous situations, since within the group of adolescents who do not attend school, there is also a variety of previous schooling pathways and life experiences. Outlining the profile of their situation of exclusion, approaching the characterization of barriers against full schooling, and identifying the policies that contribute to overcome these barriers, it all raises a complex and specific challenge.