Syria Crisis Education Fact Sheet: Five years of crisis and conflict
Details, statistics and data on out-of-school children in Syrian Arab Republic in 2015
This fact sheet gives detailed statistics and data on the situation of out-of-school children in Syrian Arab Republic in 2015. It provides statistical information and graphs, highlighting the following areas;
- Number and percentages of Syrian children in school and out of school (pre and post-crisis)
- Impact of the Syria and Iraq crises on out-of-school children in MENA
- Geographical distribution of out-of-school children
- Inside Syria: Change in enrolment in public education by governorate and level
- Outside Syria: Number of refugee children, in formal and non-formal education,
- and out of school
- Out-of-school Syrian refugee children by host country
- Distribution of out-of-school Syrian refugee children in-camp/non-camp, and age group
- In Iraq: Distribution of out-of-school internally displaced children
- Challenges and responses
Publication date