A Situational Study of India

Country study on out-of-school children published in 2014


This Report is part of the Global Initiative and focuses on out-of-school children in India. It draws on official administrative survey and large household surveys, as well as on focused research studies, both quantitative and qualitative. In India, education data from various sources are available and the Report examines them in the context of their relevance for the estimation of out-of-school children in the 5 to 13 age group. The relevant data sources are identified and are used to estimate the number of out-of-school children, and to analyse their profile. This Report also identifies the different barriers that have kept these children out of school, and examines the different policies that have been implemented to address these barriers. The concluding section of the Report draws together insights from the preceding sections, and proposes some data related recommendations.

Cover of the situational study of India report
UNICEF, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
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