Country studies on out-of-school children
These reports offer analytics and insights, such as enrolment trends, profiles of out-of-school children, econometric analysis, barriers to schooling, and contextualized policy recommendations

Country study findings are underpinned by quantitative data and are envisaged to stimulate education policy dialogue amongst stakeholders and strengthen evidence-informed and equity-focused education planning and programming.
We hope that these reports help governments and partners to better target and support the most vulnerable children for inclusive and equitable quality education.

Morocco Fact Sheet 2013
Morocco Fact Sheet 2013
This fact sheet gives detailed statistics and data on the situation of out-of-school children in Morocco between the years 2000 and 2013. It provides statistical information and graphs, highlighting the following areas; Numbers and percentages of out-of-school children The Five Dimensions of Exclusion Classification of the out-of-school population Schooling pathways of school aged children Out-of-school children by background characteristics Cumulative out-of-school risk related to combined characteristics Out-of-school children by location Barriers and policies/strategies

Tajikistan Country Study 2013
Tajikistan Country Study 2013
This report presents the background, methodology, findings, recommendations and conclusions of a study on out-of-school children in Tajikistan. The project was undertaken by UNICEF Tajikistan, between March and December 2011. The study is based on a comprehensive review of the literature, completed through consultations with key stakeholders on the education system in Tajikistan. The potential barriers to school attendance were examined such as poverty, child labour, and gender issues.

Pakistan Provincial Report 2013
Pakistan Provincial Report 2013
Out-of-school children often face deep-rooted structural inequalities and disparities. This study found that in Pakistan these are most commonly to linked to gender biases, income poverty, child labour, inadequacies in the supply of schools and teachers especially in rural and remote areas, lack of infrastructure and school facilities especially for girls, deficiencies in the teaching–learning process, problems with the processes of devolution and decentralization, incapacities in school management committees, weak coordination between the public, private and non-profit sectors, and inadequate budget allocations and resource distribution.

Out-of-School Children in Sri Lanka
Out-of-School Children in Sri Lanka
This study, covering several selected Education Divisions in the country to ascertain the causes for and the background in which some children of school-going age avoid school and also as to why having entered the school stream some children leave prematurely, addresses a very important and timely need. In spite of the availability of wide facilities in the formal education system, it is evident that there is a section in our society that is unable to reap the intended benefits from this system. Several factors underlying this situation have been identified in this study which also includes some proposals to improve the situation.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Country Study 2013
Democratic Republic of the Congo Country Study 2013
In the DRC, this study on EADE was carried out in two phases: the first phase focused on an inventory, consisting of a documentary review of existing work on education and the analysis of secondary data sources (statistics administrative and household surveys). Based on the lessons learned from this inventory, the second phase consisted of carrying out a specific national survey on the issue of EADE.

Philippines Country Study 2012
Philippines Country Study 2012
The Philippine Country Study on OOSC involved national capacity strengthening related to the collection and management of education statistics, and to policy analysis and strategy development. The country study, led by the PIDS with the cooperation of the DepEd and UNICEF, feeds into regional overviews, a global study, and a global conference to leverage resources for equity.

Egypt Fact Sheet 2012
Egypt Fact Sheet 2012
This fact sheet gives detailed statistics and data on the situation of out-of-school children in Egypt between the years 2000 and 2013. It provides statistical information and graphs, highlighting the following areas; Numbers and percentages of out-of-school children The Five Dimensions of Exclusion Classification of the out-of-school population Schooling pathways of school aged children Out-of-school children by background characteristics Cumulative out-of-school risk related to combined characteristics Out-of-school children by location Barriers and policies/strategies

Jordan Fact Sheet 2012
Jordan Fact Sheet 2012
This fact sheet gives detailed statistics and data on the situation of out-of-school children in Jordan between the years 2000 and 2012. It provides statistical information and graphs, highlighting the following areas; Numbers and percentages of out-of-school children The Five Dimensions of Exclusion Classification of the out-of-school population Schooling pathways of school aged children Out-of-school children by background characteristics Cumulative out-of-school risk related to combined characteristics Out-of-school children by location Barriers and policies/strategies

Romania Country Study 2012
Romania Country Study 2012
Building on a joint report which introduced the typology of out-of-school children and disaggregated data analysis in 2005, UNICEF and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) launched at the beginning of 2010 a Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children in order to stimulate more complex and more informed and monitored policy responses related to exclusion from education.

Brazil Country Study 2012
Brazil Country Study 2012
Through this study, we hope to contribute to the huge efforts of a country that has reached a particular level of economic, social and political development, and has produced thereby all the conditions to create effective solutions to face educational exclusion, thus securing the access to public Basic Education with quality for all the population in school age – above all, children and adolescents.

Ethiopia Country Study 2012
Ethiopia Country Study 2012
The major purpose of this study is to assess the situation of out-of-school children (OOSC) in Ethiopia and suggest strategies that would help introduce a more systematic approach to address the problems of children excluded from educational opportunities and guide concrete education sector reforms towards more equitable coverage of basic education in Ethiopia and thereby achieve the education MDGs and EFA goals.

Ghana Country Study 2012
Ghana Country Study 2012
This country study provides a comprehensive, analytical overview of the issues of out-of-school children in Ghana as part of the Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children. It presents detailed profiles of the most marginalized children in Ghana who are denied their right to education. It will serve as an excellent resource for policy reforms and designing of targeted interventions to tackle different barriers and circumstances that hinder children from enjoying basic education. In order to reach the last segment of children who are out of school, one-size-fits-all approaches would not work. Rather, more diversified and tailored strategies are required to attend to the specific needs of disadvantaged children, families and communities. Based on existing evidence and good practices, the study provides a number of innovative and practical ideas and recommendations that the Government and other stakeholder could draw on. We strongly hope that the results of this study will serve as the catalyst of policy debate and programme innovation at all levels.